Wednesday, April 27, 2005
It's really pouring rain today and I've got no voice due to my cold :( So, I may just not run at all today. I'll have to see how I feel when Tim gets home. Then I'll decide. But I should run hills today - it's the last day for our clinic to do that. Then we start speed next week with chips in our hands. The idea is to run fast without clenching your hands and breaking the chips, see. Rather cool idea, I'd say!
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
The best laid plans
Ah well, I planned on the gym yesterday but my cold got me down. So, Monday: no exercise at all. Tuesday: gym where I did 10 mins. rowing machine, 15 mins. on the bike and then lifted some weights for arms. Then home for dinner.
Nice weather for running in Ottawa now! Cool, sunny, beautiful weather. Yummy!! :)
Nice weather for running in Ottawa now! Cool, sunny, beautiful weather. Yummy!! :)
Monday, April 25, 2005
Catching Up
I'm sorry, Running Blog, for neglecting you. But I've not been neglecting exercise :) Nope.
Friday: No exercise, so rest day
Saturday: nice run in the pouring rain for about 4 km. Felt good but tired after. Out of breath as I recall.
Sunday: Went to the gym and did 30 mins on the elliptical trainer and then 20 mins walking on the tread mill. Then did my lunges, steps, Russian twists, and adductors and abductors on the machines. Felt strong and healthy afterwards and focussed.
Monday: Gym later in day
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: hills at the store.
Friday: No exercise, so rest day
Saturday: nice run in the pouring rain for about 4 km. Felt good but tired after. Out of breath as I recall.
Sunday: Went to the gym and did 30 mins on the elliptical trainer and then 20 mins walking on the tread mill. Then did my lunges, steps, Russian twists, and adductors and abductors on the machines. Felt strong and healthy afterwards and focussed.
Monday: Gym later in day
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: hills at the store.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Lactic Acid
The enemy of runners is lactic acid. That's the byproduct of the muscles working hard then being unable to carry away all the waste products. After Wednesday night, doing hills, my legs were sore yesterday. I did a short jog but it hurt. Usually, when I start I feel a mild ache that soon goes away. I can then jog comfortably for a ways before stopping. But yesterday it just plain hurt the entire time. So, I walked most of the route. A good pace so I still got the exercise. Let's hope that by tomorrow, the legs will feel better. Today I'll take it easy on the old legs.
Happy Earth Day to everyone! Use your legs and lungs for transport and save the gas/petrol okay?
Happy Earth Day to everyone! Use your legs and lungs for transport and save the gas/petrol okay?
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Running in the rain
Why do we do it? Why do you see us, the runners, in the rain, or the snow or the dark, early morning in the freezing cold of Canada? What is it in us that gets us out there to do "it", the art of running?
Not because we are proud, vain, or stupid. We do it for the love of running and getting that "runner's high". When you come back and your cheeks are red and burning, your legs feel mildly shaky and sore, and you feel sweaty and hot. You feel good inside. The endorphins are there and you know you've done something really good. That's what drives me out the door on a day like today
Hills with the group from the store tonight, if Tim gets home on time.
Not because we are proud, vain, or stupid. We do it for the love of running and getting that "runner's high". When you come back and your cheeks are red and burning, your legs feel mildly shaky and sore, and you feel sweaty and hot. You feel good inside. The endorphins are there and you know you've done something really good. That's what drives me out the door on a day like today
Periods of rain ending early this evening then cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers. Clearing this evening. Wind north 20 km/h. Low zero celcius. High on Thursday 11 celcius.
Hills with the group from the store tonight, if Tim gets home on time.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Running while you have your period
It's a fact of life that girls get menstrual periods. Some find that running helps it, others don't. I'm in the camp of "not really feeling like it but I do it anyhow". It does honestly help if you've got cramps. The endorphins released do help somewhat and you feel good. Not to mention the stuff gets out faster LOL. Ah well, this is one of those personal choices.
Monday: Rest day
Tuesday: VERY warm today so, likely will do the bike at the gym and my lunges and other exercises after Tim gets home.
"I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution." Wernher von Braun
Monday: Rest day
Tuesday: VERY warm today so, likely will do the bike at the gym and my lunges and other exercises after Tim gets home.
"I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution." Wernher von Braun
Monday, April 18, 2005
My times
I used the magic of the internet to find my old times. From when I did the 5 km run in 2003, and did the 10 km in 2004.
The stats are:
10 km run, 2004
Gun time: 1:25:36.8
Pace/km: 8:34
Chip time: 1:21:25.0
Bib #: 2241 Johnson, Deborah
Placing: 2571/2894
Age category placing: 341/378 Women 40 - 44
5 km run, 2003
Gun time 0:50:16.9
Pace/km: 10:04
Chip time: 0:45:19.4
Bib #: 10905 Johnson, Deborah
Placing: 1635/2229
Age category placing: 218/300 Women 40 - 44
So, I'll put up my #'s for the 1/2 marathon when I do it. It'll be slow, I'm sure since I'm likely going to walk the last 1/2 of it, likely. But heck, I'm going to try to finish it! I don't care if I'm 2000/2000 of the runners (random number there, no idea how many will be competing). Somebody has to be last, right? But you can still say you finished it.
"The Power to succeed, one step at a time"
The stats are:
10 km run, 2004
Gun time: 1:25:36.8
Pace/km: 8:34
Chip time: 1:21:25.0
Bib #: 2241 Johnson, Deborah
Placing: 2571/2894
Age category placing: 341/378 Women 40 - 44
5 km run, 2003
Gun time 0:50:16.9
Pace/km: 10:04
Chip time: 0:45:19.4
Bib #: 10905 Johnson, Deborah
Placing: 1635/2229
Age category placing: 218/300 Women 40 - 44
So, I'll put up my #'s for the 1/2 marathon when I do it. It'll be slow, I'm sure since I'm likely going to walk the last 1/2 of it, likely. But heck, I'm going to try to finish it! I don't care if I'm 2000/2000 of the runners (random number there, no idea how many will be competing). Somebody has to be last, right? But you can still say you finished it.
"The Power to succeed, one step at a time"
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Way to go, Paula
How about Paula Radcliffe? Running a 2 hr. 17 min marathon. That's an average of 18 km/h over 42.2 km. Wow.
I did my long run today. Did the 8.5 km route again. So, next Sunday do 1 km more distance and try that. It was warm today. But such a wide variety of outfits on people! Some had shorts and a short shirt (a couple of young guys had no shirt on!). Then you had those with long pants and a short shirt on (like me). Then some with long pants and long sleeves, then a few had that with hats and gloves on? Huh? I guess they like to sweat *A LOT*. CCRRAAZZYY.
My mind pushed my body as far as it would go in Athens but today my body felt good Paula Radcliffe
I did my long run today. Did the 8.5 km route again. So, next Sunday do 1 km more distance and try that. It was warm today. But such a wide variety of outfits on people! Some had shorts and a short shirt (a couple of young guys had no shirt on!). Then you had those with long pants and a short shirt on (like me). Then some with long pants and long sleeves, then a few had that with hats and gloves on? Huh? I guess they like to sweat *A LOT*. CCRRAAZZYY.
My mind pushed my body as far as it would go in Athens but today my body felt good Paula Radcliffe
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Wishing the London Marathoners the best of luck
Good luck to all in the London Marathon being held tomorrow. I wish you all fleet feet and fast times.
I wonder what it's like for a favourite like Paula Radcliffe today? How is she feeling? Is she relaxed and confident she'll do well? Or nervous and jittery, watching the clock count away the hours?
It's a beautiful morning here. I'll get out after my chores and get my fast run in on Saturday. Linkin Park music in my ears, fuelling my legs and spirit.
Someday, I may run a marathon also. Who knows?
I wonder what it's like for a favourite like Paula Radcliffe today? How is she feeling? Is she relaxed and confident she'll do well? Or nervous and jittery, watching the clock count away the hours?
It's a beautiful morning here. I'll get out after my chores and get my fast run in on Saturday. Linkin Park music in my ears, fuelling my legs and spirit.
Someday, I may run a marathon also. Who knows?
Friday, April 15, 2005
Drinking water: More isn't always better
From this article I've learned that drinking more water isn't "always" better. The idea is only to replace what's lost through sweating and respiration. So, now I don't mind thinking maybe I don't drink enough.
My legs are sore, so I'm giving them a break today. But I will go and do my lunges and other exercises at the gym later tonight. Then tomorrow, early, some speed runs for fun, then Sunday, long, slow run.
It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot
My legs are sore, so I'm giving them a break today. But I will go and do my lunges and other exercises at the gym later tonight. Then tomorrow, early, some speed runs for fun, then Sunday, long, slow run.
It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Thursday, already
Tuesday: No exercise
Wednesday: Easy 3 km run from store to Bronson and back to Bank St. didn't feel like doing hills, felt tired and listless.
Thursday: Easy 6 km to the rapids and back pushing Vic in the bike buggy in the morning.
I found a new link today and added myself to the list. The Complete Running Blog Family. It's nice to find a supportive group.
Good luck to all of you out preparing for races or just having fun, enjoying being fit. Isn't it a lovely feeling? I love it!
Wednesday: Easy 3 km run from store to Bronson and back to Bank St. didn't feel like doing hills, felt tired and listless.
Thursday: Easy 6 km to the rapids and back pushing Vic in the bike buggy in the morning.
I found a new link today and added myself to the list. The Complete Running Blog Family. It's nice to find a supportive group.
Good luck to all of you out preparing for races or just having fun, enjoying being fit. Isn't it a lovely feeling? I love it!
Monday, April 11, 2005
Monday, rest day
Today was the rest day in my schedule. If you've not read a excellent motivational author by the name of John Bingham "The Penguin" at go do so, now, immediately. His "The Courage to Start" book is so good and inspiring. He's never going to win a race. He's never going to place "well". He's going to finish near the back, if not the last one. That's like most of us reformed (insert vice of choice) runners out there. We just do it because we're motivated to do it. So, get motivated to read his book(s). We have more fun at the back of the pack and smile more too. We notice the fun/nice/interesting things. "No Need for Speed" is another great book as well by him. Bibles for the slow pokes :)
New schedule for training at the gym after today's meeting with the personal trainer. Lots of balancing work with lunges, and lifts using a step. Not so many arm exercises and most of the leg machines gone too. A cool new exercise that is hard too with the exercise ball and it involves holding the 5 lb. medicine ball and alternating side to side with extended arms. Hard to say, harder to do! Will take some thought and practice and coordination to do well.
One thing you will probably remember well is any time you forgive and forget. Franklin P. Jones
New schedule for training at the gym after today's meeting with the personal trainer. Lots of balancing work with lunges, and lifts using a step. Not so many arm exercises and most of the leg machines gone too. A cool new exercise that is hard too with the exercise ball and it involves holding the 5 lb. medicine ball and alternating side to side with extended arms. Hard to say, harder to do! Will take some thought and practice and coordination to do well.
One thing you will probably remember well is any time you forgive and forget. Franklin P. Jones
Sunday, April 10, 2005
The Long, slow run on Sunday
WOO HOO 8 weeks to the event date. I'm feeling good :) I did the "long, slow" run today. 8.5 km worth (although I walked the last 2 km because my left foot was aching). I was with my group. There were 3 of us there, one of the clinic leaders and 2 participants. We were having fun back there, chatting away. I was running at the right speed because I could talk. We started at 8:30 and I finished at 9:40 am. 1 hr. 10 minutes. The others in my group did 16 km today. Then in 2 weeks, they'll move to 18 km, then 20 km then taper back the week before the event. So, I'll just have to try and do 1 km more each week, and then on the day, do my best. And feel good about that.
I got my free hat today. If you showed proof of your online registration you got a hat that says "Ottawa Runs, The National Capital Race Weekend". So, now just the t-shirt and the bib the week before and I'll have the t-shirt, the number and the hat! WOO HOO!
It's such a beautiful spring day here today. The kids are outside playing without coats, the spring flowers are blooming, the grass is turning from winter, dry, dead and brown to fresh green sprouts shooting up. Hurray! I'm so happy :)
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. George Sand
I got my free hat today. If you showed proof of your online registration you got a hat that says "Ottawa Runs, The National Capital Race Weekend". So, now just the t-shirt and the bib the week before and I'll have the t-shirt, the number and the hat! WOO HOO!
It's such a beautiful spring day here today. The kids are outside playing without coats, the spring flowers are blooming, the grass is turning from winter, dry, dead and brown to fresh green sprouts shooting up. Hurray! I'm so happy :)
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. George Sand
Saturday, April 09, 2005
The Saturday show
What a fabulous day it is. Too bad I didn't get more sleep to enjoy it fully. But I didn't let that stop me from getting out there.
Fast running today, sprinting in spurts and then slowing down to let the heart slow down. I got slower as the 4th and 5th sprint happened. Then it was all I could do to drag myself home. My left foot hurt a bit. So, I stopped running and walked the rest of the way home.
In my ears while sprinting were the inspiring Linkin Park songs: "Faint", "Figure.09", "Breaking the Habit", "From the Inside", and "Nobody's Listening"
All good songs to listen to while being hyped up.
For every extra pound there is a minute added to your time. So, lose weight, dear. I'm trying, I'm trying to eat less.
But I am an emotional eater. Lately, something has been really troubling me. But I will get through it. It really isn't important at all in the grand scheme of things. It's all meaningless and time will heal all wounds. Someday I'll look back and laugh at it all. I'll be stronger for feeling it and getting through it. But, meanwhile, I can't eat to feel better. That will not work. So, water, water, water and more water.
Fast running today, sprinting in spurts and then slowing down to let the heart slow down. I got slower as the 4th and 5th sprint happened. Then it was all I could do to drag myself home. My left foot hurt a bit. So, I stopped running and walked the rest of the way home.
In my ears while sprinting were the inspiring Linkin Park songs: "Faint", "Figure.09", "Breaking the Habit", "From the Inside", and "Nobody's Listening"
All good songs to listen to while being hyped up.
For every extra pound there is a minute added to your time. So, lose weight, dear. I'm trying, I'm trying to eat less.
But I am an emotional eater. Lately, something has been really troubling me. But I will get through it. It really isn't important at all in the grand scheme of things. It's all meaningless and time will heal all wounds. Someday I'll look back and laugh at it all. I'll be stronger for feeling it and getting through it. But, meanwhile, I can't eat to feel better. That will not work. So, water, water, water and more water.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Gorgeous Day
Such a gorgeous day out. Sunny, warm and nice. So I did a run with Vic in the bike buggy. About 5.5 km worth. Took me about 50 minutes to complete.
No exercise for Thursday
Well, I'm frustrated that I got in no exercise yesterday. Unfortunate but that's the way it works at times. So, Friday, today, my plan is to try the gym after Tim gets home.
Then Saturday, short, fast run again in the morning.
Then Sunday, long, slow run and try and get a 8 km run under my belt for this week. Then will try a 9 km run next week.
Let's hope the plan stays on course.
Then Saturday, short, fast run again in the morning.
Then Sunday, long, slow run and try and get a 8 km run under my belt for this week. Then will try a 9 km run next week.
Let's hope the plan stays on course.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
I can do it
I did two lots of exercise yesterday actually. One was a nice 5 km. run/walk with Sarah and Vic in the jogger/bike buggy. It was beautiful out and I felt so alive and good and strong. Coming back up the long, gradual hill of Garden Rd. I had to walk a fair bit but I managed just fine. Then, I ran around Westboro area because the car broke down. Didn't make it to the store after all. So, I'd say I did about 3 km total with a 5x repeat of one hill for some hill work. Easier likely doing it myself than with the group. I did lots of stretches after and my legs felt mildly tired. I was afraid this morning they'd hurt but they don't. Lucky and glad that they don't!
So, the car is getting a new starter motor in it, likely today. It's a very wet, rainy day outside. So, raincoats and boots are necessary. So, likely the gym after Tim gets home from work for exercise for today.
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from. Al Franken
So, the car is getting a new starter motor in it, likely today. It's a very wet, rainy day outside. So, raincoats and boots are necessary. So, likely the gym after Tim gets home from work for exercise for today.
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from. Al Franken
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
I've decided
The title of the blog is now the Half Marathon. That's because I've decided I'm trying it. If I don't try it, I'll never know if I can do it. So, may as well try it!
Here's my registration page to prove I'm registered

I'm going to go to the Running Room later today to run with my buddies.
It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it. Arnold Toynbee
Here's my registration page to prove I'm registered

I'm going to go to the Running Room later today to run with my buddies.
It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it. Arnold Toynbee
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Today I saw a lady at the health club who was having a hard time with the 4 and 1's (running 4 minutes, walking 1 minute). I gave her a pat on the back and said "honey, you can do it. I was there 2 years ago, not being able to run 1 minute without feeling I was going to die and look at me now!" She was amazed to see the difference in the two pictures on my health club cards. Yes, I was fat and out of shape. Well, we all need that kick in the ass at times. I'm glad I got mine before I got into major health problems.
Exercise: did 23 mins. on the bike, 10 mins. on rowing machine. Then situps and weights for Arms and shoulders.
Exercise: did 23 mins. on the bike, 10 mins. on rowing machine. Then situps and weights for Arms and shoulders.
Monday, April 04, 2005
A good Monday
Had a good workout on Monday: 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, 10 mins on the rowing machine, sit-ups, then weights for legs. Felt very good and strong today.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Did a nice fast run in the rain on this day. It was about a 6.5 km pace for about 3km, going fast as long as I could then easy then fast again. Fun and enjoyable!!
That's how I know I'm a runner. Because I run in all the weather that Mother Nature throws at me. I'm "tough".
That's how I know I'm a runner. Because I run in all the weather that Mother Nature throws at me. I'm "tough".
Friday, April 01, 2005
Friday exercise
On April Fool's Day I made this blog. I erased it by accident but have recreated it to the best of my memory. That'll bloody teach me to delete a blog without bloody checking!! ARGH! NOT a good way to start a day..
Friday exercise: I ran today, about 4 km, an easy 8km/hour pace around the regular route. It was a beautiful day as I recall, warm, sunny and spring-like. I felt so good and happy.
I can do it!
Friday exercise: I ran today, about 4 km, an easy 8km/hour pace around the regular route. It was a beautiful day as I recall, warm, sunny and spring-like. I felt so good and happy.
I can do it!