Friday, April 15, 2005

Drinking water: More isn't always better

From this article I've learned that drinking more water isn't "always" better. The idea is only to replace what's lost through sweating and respiration. So, now I don't mind thinking maybe I don't drink enough.

My legs are sore, so I'm giving them a break today. But I will go and do my lunges and other exercises at the gym later tonight. Then tomorrow, early, some speed runs for fun, then Sunday, long, slow run.

It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot


Blogger Eat_My_Shortz said...

Yeah umm... in Primary School I heard a story of a guy who ran a marathon and drank heaps of water at the end and died... his body couldn't handle it.

May have been a playground rumour, but you know what they say...

"As usual, the playground has the facts right, but missed the point entirely."
- Lisa Simpson

9:22 am  

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