Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I got out there!

Well, I did it. I got out there for a nice walk today. 40 min. of good, brisk walking. It's a gorgeous summer day here with a coolish breeze and sunshine. It felt good.

Yesterday, didn't do my exercise because of my husband. But I did vacuuming and cleaning of the house which counts a bit towards exercise. LOL. Walking up and down the stairs about 15 times through the day.

For this week - I'm going to get out every night for a 40 min. walk! I promise myself that. Thanks for the email! It got me laughing and going. That's the point of it. :))

Friday, August 12, 2005

Friday already

Well, it's Friday already. Just cannot get motivated to get out there and exercise today. It's rainy and cool outside and I feel sooooo lazy.

Wednesday - walk for 30 mins.
Thursday - rest day for me

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Thunderstorm today

We had a massive thunderstorm roll through the area at dinner time roughly. So, no exercise today since before the storm it was 42 C with the humidex - a wee bit warmish to be out exercising!

Monday - went to the gym
Tuesday - 40 min. brisk walk

Friday, August 05, 2005

Where has the time gone?

Oh my, where has the time gone? It's already August 5th and I've not entered in any exercise for the week that's flown by! Well, time to correct that. I've not felt great after a change in medication. Feel fat and lazy on this medicine. It sucks, believe me. So far this week, I've done 2 days of exercise. That's it, total. One nice day of walking for 35 minutes and another day at the gym doing treadmill walking and then situps and lower body workout on the weights. So, that's something. Today, I did a nice walk with my daughters to the beach and back. Lovely day outside.