Thursday, June 30, 2005

Thursday already :P

So, time to review and list this week's exercise

Monday - gym and 20 mins. on elliptical trainer, 5 mins. on the rowing machine, then doing 2 sets of my weights

Tuesday morning - nice walk in my correct heart range for 35 minutes pushing the kids in the jogging stroller

Wednesday - 5 km jog along the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. Heart got right up there at about 165 beats/min. Bit high and I felt a bit wasted afterwards.

Thursday - another hot day predicted so I'll go to the gym after Tim gets home from work I guess? Not sure what today's exercise should be.

I feel slightly less fat than what I started the week as. Keep it up and you'll feel better, Deb.....sorry, just me rambling on to myself. I must keep up the exercise and eating less, then I WILL see results, n'est ce que pas?


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