Sunday, June 19, 2005

Getting motivation

I need to get some motivation going for getting out there, honestly. The pills that I'm on for my mood misorder are seriously fucking with my brain and my motivation. I'll tell the doctor about it the next time I see him. But until then, I feel tired and draggy. I know I *NEED* to get out to the gym or do a run but it just doesn't seem to happen as often as it should. This is pissing me off, believe me. I know I'm in decent shape at the moment and yet every day, I don't feel like getting out there, my fitness levels slacken off.

Last year an infatuation really helped me motivate myself. I need a new infatuation this year, a new reason for getting fired up and *GOING*. Preferably one without fat or calories LOL. I ate most of a box of old fashioned doughnut holes yesterday. Really not a smart move. happened. Now, to find that motivation again.............


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